Integrated Training Service
The Integrated Training Service (ITS) serves as the centre responsible for peacekeeping training. ITS develops training standards, policies, and guidance materials; develops and delivers cross-cutting peacekeeping training; and oversees peacekeeping training activities and provides related technical support. ITS develops training materials for use in pre-deployment training, reinforcement training, and specialized training. The Service also coordinates knowledge and information management activities related to training for the benefit of peacekeeping and special political missions, Headquarters, and Member States, and hosts the Light Coordination Mechanism.
ITS develops general and mission-specific pre-deployment peacekeeping training standards and materials, and conducts civilian pre-deployment and cross-cutting training and management development programmes. The training services also works in partnership with Member States and their associated peacekeeping training institutions and specialist trainers in DPO/DOS and Integrated Mission Training Centres (IMTCs). ITS establishes cross-cutting peacekeeping training strategies, implements work plans, and is at the centre of planning and reporting on the training budget for DPO and DOS, providing programmatic and substantive review of reports, briefing notes, statements and other documents and communications on and advocacy for peacekeeping training. ITS is comprised of five teams, two large teams focused on Member States training and field training, and three small teams focused on leadership training, policy and funding.